Network File Monitor Professional v2.30.13.0 英文正式版(檔案備份、同步、複製工具軟體)
Network File Monitor Pro 是專為網路管理者所設計的檔案備份、同步、複製工具,根據
檔案複製/移動、FTP 及 E-mail 檔案傳輸、開啟程式、傳送訊息、傳送 E-mail 訊息,以
NT Server 環境為運作基礎。
Network File Monitor Professional is a software for real time
replication, backup, synchronization and mirroring over LAN, WAN and
Internet which keeps data up-to-date in different
Use Network File Monitor Professional for:
* backup data in real time as soon as files were changed or on
schedule basis
* distribute files to many folders from the single source
* send files by e-mail to recipients according to a mail list
* save files attached to e-mails to local or remote computers
* secure files transferred over LAN, WAN, Internet and e-mail
* etc.
R-Studio Network Edition v4.0 英文正式版(數據恢復、反刪除軟體)
Duplicate File Remover 1.2.207 英文正式版(消除本地磁碟中的相同文件軟體)
LSoft Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro v3.1.9 英文正式版(硬碟監測軟體)
Hetman File Repair v1.1 英文正式版(數據恢復軟體)
PC Tools File Recover v9.0.0.152 英文正式版(數據恢復工具軟體)
Super Flexible File Synchronizer Pro v5.70 英文正式版(同步和備份工具軟體)
Super Flexible File Synchronizer Pro v5.46a 英文正式版(同步文件備份工具軟體)