Splinterware Autorota Professional v2.13 英文正式版(辦公自動化軟體)
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Autorota 對工作人員循環的創造進行自動化和利用各種各樣的用戶標示的規則確保你的
工作人員分配到各種各樣的,角色或者工作小時。 這個應用程式被設置甚至失改變旋轉
當中一批工作人員,或者迫使特別重複旋轉模式在幾個星期期間發生。 你能夠也記載有
Autorota is designed to automate the creation of staff
rosters. Using a variety of user specified 'rules' staff
can be allocated a variety of shifts, roles and working
hours. Autorota can be configured to rotate shifts evenly
between a number of staff, or force a particular repeating
rota pattern to happen over several weeks.
Some features of Autorota include:
Works with MS Windows 9x, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
Easy creation and maintenance of Weekly Rosters
Configure standard terminology to suit your organisation
Automatic allocation of Assignments (shifts/roles) based
on user defined 'rules'
Year Planner for allocating standard days such as
'Vacation', 'Training' in advance
Tracking of standard days such as 'Off Sick'
Export Rosters to HTML (web pages) for easy read-only
viewing for your staff Animated Tutorial