MindHabits v1.2.102 英文正式版(腦力訓練之笑臉迎賓軟體)
MindHabits Trainer 腦力訓練之笑臉迎賓,創意不錯,主要是選擇帶笑容的臉,還有找
Stress Reduction & Confidence Boost
MindHabits is based on new scientifically tested tools published
in a journal of the American Psycholgical Association that help
players reduce stress and boost self confidence and esteem using
principles from social intelligence research.
The games are as simple as finding a smiling face in a crowd of
frowns - yet they are powerful repetitive training exercises
demonstated to refocus the way your mind perceives the world.
Research has demonstrated benefits from playing just five minutes
a day. Give it a try and see if it works for you!
Stressed out
Worrying about your next date or the big presentation to your
boss Feeling low Instead of running to the closest book-store
to find a trendy self-help book, get MindHabits. Find relief at
the click of a mouse. A video game that is actually good for you
Now, that's a concept!
Based on social intelligence research conducted at McGill
University, these stress busting, confidence boosting games use
simple, fun-to-play exercises that help players develop and
maintain a more positive state of mind.
Minimum Configuration
Mindhabits is currently available for the PC and playable
Pricing & Availability
MindHabits can be played (free demo) and purchased online at
www.mindhabits.com, at the price of $19.99.
Key Features:
Multiple Levels
Over 100+ levels of gameplay in four training games
Who Are You
Grow Your Chi
Scientific Principles
Based on the principles of social intelligence
Inhibition - uses game mechanics to promote positive habits
Association - connects personal info to positive feedback
Activation - uses personal references
Progress Tracking
Five trackers to measure your progress
Intuitive Interface
Special characters and music to help the player develop a
personal link with the game
Science Lab
The player can find instructions and background information on
how the science works
Making the Most of Mindhabits:
Becoming More Confident in Dating!
MindHabits as a Training Tool
Adjusting for Different Faces and Races
Tracking Your Progress...
High Scores
Customizing the Game
Advancing to Higher Levels
Scoring More in Words
Higher Consistency for Higher Score!
For More Info on MindHabits Visit: